Enhancing Customer Satisfaction through Edge Computing: Unleashing the Power of Real-Time Analytics and Optimization

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In today’s digital age, customer satisfaction is paramount for organizations seeking to thrive in a competitive landscape. Meeting and exceeding customer expectations requires the ability to deliver personalized and seamless experiences. This is where edge computing, in conjunction with real-time analytics and optimization solutions like Adobe’s Customer Journey Analytics and Adobe’s Journey Optimizer (Edge-based Solution for Optimizing Digital User Journey), plays a pivotal role. By leveraging the power of edge computing, businesses can enhance customer satisfaction and drive a significant return on investment (ROI). In this blog post, we will explore how edge computing improves customer satisfaction and its correlation with Adobe Journey Analytics and AJO.

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Adobe Analytics – The Evolutionary Journey of Web Analytics

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Today, I’ll take you through the fascinating story of Adobe Analytics, a powerhouse in the field of web analytics. Having been actively involved with the platform since its days as Site Catalyst from Omniture (2011-2012), I’ve witnessed its remarkable evolution, from basic reporting to the cutting-edge visualization capabilities of Workspace.

One question that frequently comes my way is, “Why should I choose Adobe Analytics?” Drawing from my extensive experience with the product, here’s my response:

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Unlocking the Synergy: Adobe Journey Optimizer, Adobe Target, Marketo, and Adobe Analytics

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In today’s digital landscape, seamless cross-platform experiences have become a vital aspect of successful marketing strategies. With the integration of various Adobe products, such as Adobe Journey Optimizer, Adobe Target, Marketo, and Adobe Analytics, marketers can leverage a range of powerful features to enhance their campaigns. In this article, we will explore the interrelation and shared features of these platforms, shedding light on the possibilities they offer.

If you have prior experience with Adobe Target or Marketo, you’ll discover that your familiarity with these platforms proves beneficial when working with Adobe Journey Optimizer (AJO). Let’s delve into some examples that highlight the shared features and synergies between these solutions.

Continue reading Unlocking the Synergy: Adobe Journey Optimizer, Adobe Target, Marketo, and Adobe Analytics

Back in Person @ Adobe Summit 2023 – With masks in the past!

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The Adobe Summit is next week!, and our team of technical consulting professionals is gearing up to attend this exciting digital conference. We can hardly wait to meet customers, catch up with old friends at Adobe, and learn about the latest innovations in the CDP space, AEM, Workfront, and Assets. Here’s a breakdown of what we’re most looking forward to:

Continue reading Back in Person @ Adobe Summit 2023 – With masks in the past!

7 Secrets about AEM as a Cloud Service

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Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) is a powerful content management system (CMS) that is widely used by organizations of all sizes to create and manage digital experiences. One of the key differentiators of AEM is that it is available as a cloud service, which provides a number of benefits over traditional on-premises solutions. In this blog post, we will reveal 7 secrets about AEM as a cloud service that you may not know.

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2022’s biggest Adobe stories – in a minute!

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2022 has been full of twists and turns. A war that showed no abating to an inflation induced anxiety that left marketers to make tough decisions. It’s all the more important for digital marketers to keep abreast of technology updates.

If you haven’t kept up with the latest, here are the top 7 stories for marketers using the Adobe Marketing Platforms.

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Is COVID-19 sending us back to basics – Customer, Content and Context? *edited

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* This post was originally published in Dec 2020 and updated Jan 2022

Covid-19 has brought about a sea change in human behavior. The way we work, travel, eat, shop and play has suddenly changed. Some of the changes in behavior are temporary while others could be more permanent. A lot of it remains to be seen. But one thing is for sure – this once in a generation pandemic has made us take a hard look at the basics of life.

Consumer behavior and preferences have always followed significant historical events. What we once considered nice-to-have conveniences a few weeks ago are now considered mainstream because of the pandemic. Digital services, driven by real content are now powering the new rules of human interaction. Drone delivery is no longer just fancy but considered almost essential for some businesses. UberEats, GrubHub, Doordash, Instacart have quickly enabled brick and mortar restaurants to prevent total closure and survive.

New rules for the new economy:

Goldman Sachs predicts a 15% unemployment rate and a contraction in GDP through the rest of 2020. With tightening consumer budgets it is natural to expect your users to expect more from their digital services. And that means, every brand – not just the big brands, including the mom and pop shops, will need to show-case their products more prominently with more relevant content, in a more contextual way. A powerful digital management ecosystem is needed to keep up with the new challenges. For example, on March 31, 2020 Adobe released an insightful tool called Adobe Digital Engagement IndexDEI, that allows multi-national companies to analyze user trends. This allows organizations to analyze user trends and behavior as it happens, and appropriately adjust their supply chains, marketing and other efforts.

Update, Jan 2022: It’s two years since we wrote the above comments. The US unemployment is at historic low levels, below 5%. At the same time, more people have also quit the US Workforce. With the pandemic causing pent-up demand for products, coupled with the global supply-chain issues, the problem for American organizations – big brands and government alike has been exasperated. The question for all is – how do we do more for our customers with less? In that vein, the above comments about having a powerful digital presence is more relevant than ever before.

Adobe DEI Dashboard

Insight is great, but it’s not everything a brand needs to succeed. These economically difficult times call for a deep look at the end to end eco system, or what we call the supply-chain of content. And in this article we will talk about all the other essential tools you will need in this new world we are in.

Essential Content Management tools for the post Covid-19 economy

The tools can be summarized by this Content Funnel picture

autowoven content management funnel
  • Content sources:
    • Is the content served to your customers sources from across your organization or is it too narrowly centralized?
  • Digital Managers
    • Are your digital managers or content authors appropriately empowered both organizationally as well as technologically? How long does it take for them to curate and author content within your content management system(s)?
  • Content Categorization/ Taxonomy
    • Do you have a platform to create and manage a rich taxonomy for your content? If you are dealing with SKUs and product lines, is your content management system appropriately integrated with your PIM (Product Information Management) and/or e-commerce systems?
  • Organizational content search
    • How easy is it for your digital managers to search through large volumes of content within your CMS system(s)?
    • Is this internal search fast and does it provide relevant results?
  • Content governance
    • Does your platform have the maturity for content approvals and scheduling? Is your workflow sophisticated to handle employee time-offs and attritions without disrupting your content “supply chain”?
  • Content re-use across channels
    • Separating content from presentation is key to re-use. Does your system provide capabilities to author once and reuse multiple times?
  • User Segmentation & Targeting
    • One size does not fit all, and that is even more true in a tough market. Your CMS needs to have the capabilities for segmenting your audiences, creating profile groups and also leverage your vast content to properly target your user audiences. Is your Customer Targeting strategy meeting industry standards?
  • Analytics across channels
    • Almost every marketer today is familiar with web and mobile analytics. However, unifying data across analytis channels – for example web channel, mobile apps, facebook dashboard, etc., is a whole different ball game. Aggregating profile data from across analytics platforms requires a Data Management Platform like Adobe Audience Manager. We talked about this in our article related on Single Customer View here. Do you have the tools and the talent?
  • Content Syndication
    • Do you have the “Easy” button that can simultaneously publish time sensitive content across all your channels like websites, mobile apps, social media and Content Delivery Networks like Akamai?

Is your content marketing team ready for this new world?

Autowoven has transformed digital systems in the Finance, HealthCare, Insurance, Education and Media industries among others. Autowoven is an Adobe Solutions partner and provides digital transformation services using Adobe tools of Adobe Marketing Cloud – AEM, Analytics and Target. Talk to us today on how we can partner to provide a compelling digital experience for your customer – an experience that does not leave you behind?

More importantly, stay safe and see you on the other side of the pandemic.

10 ways AEM Forms is better than Google Forms – Part 2

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Continued from Part 1

6. Email Notifications

Email notifications at any step of the form intake process – not just after final submission, is a very powerful feature for any Forms Automation solution. AEM Adaptive Forms uses AEM Sling based SMTP mail integration to send notifications. Email recipients could be either explicit email fields within the form, programmatically extracted from form fields or pre-determined by the Form creator.

Google Forms provides some basic email notification features but at this time does not have as advanced features as AEM Adaptive Forms.

7. Advanced form routing & Workflows

Consider a HR Onboarding process which tracks an applicant from the interview process, background checks, employee onboarding, benefits registration and so on. In a typical organization, there are several players and departments involved as the applicant/ employee makes the onboarding journey. If you consider the amount of information that needs to be carried from one step to another – scaling this across an organization is a nightmare without having some sort of automation at work.

AEM Adaptive Forms, with it’s powerful workflow and user-authentication features in place is a game changer in this respect. Forms can be routed between parties securely via AEM Workflows. On top of that, the workflow steps can be put together by non-technical folks using simple drag and drop tasks, all from within the browser.

Continue reading 10 ways AEM Forms is better than Google Forms – Part 2

6 takeaways from Adobe Summit 2015 #AEM6

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Even before the Adobe Summit, that took place in March 9th to 13th, 2015 in Salt Lake City, UT, Forrester had this to sayAdobe was a runaway winner across a broader digital experience delivery portfolio”. 

Adobe put a great show (including a concert by Imagine Dragons!) and displayed a wide range of digital marketing products and integrations. It was fun. It was Radioactive!

“Marketing” for marketing aside, there was a lot of ‘meat’ in the conference as well. So, without much ado, here are our 6 takeaways from Adobe Summit 2015.

Continue reading 6 takeaways from Adobe Summit 2015 #AEM6